Mock orange blossoms

Mock Orange

Mock orange, Philadelphus sp, is a contender for the most fragrant shrub, right up there with lilacs, roses and wolf willow. The name speaks of the common association; I think the scent might be more of a jasmine [?] flavor.

Choose carefully the mature size of mock orange that will work in the space allotted, and leave it be. They do not prune well if shaped, that is, cut to a shape or a restricted height each year; they sucker profusely, sometimes growing three-foot shoots. This shaping takes away from the overall look and if done early removes a lot of flower buds. This is a good shrub to put in the background and let it be, not in the shade; however, most of them are too large to be at the front of garden beds.

Galahad, P. x galahad 'Galahad', grows to about two metres, with single white flowers.

Blizzard, P. lewisii 'Blizzard', grows to about two metres with single white flowers.

Waterton mock orange, the native variety, grows to three metres. With single white flowers, it is very hardy.

The hybrid Sylvia, P. lewisii 'Sylvia', grows to about two metres with semi-double white flowers.

P. x 'Miniature Snowflake', another hybrid, is a shorter, one-metre variety, with white double flowers.

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