Backyard trees

Thinking of becoming an arborist?

There are many types of arborists and all of them perform important work. From the nursery to the garden, power line maintenance and the complicated technical work of large dangerous removals, arboriculture is a highly varied occupation. There are also those who teach and, perhaps where the greatest professional knowledge lies, the certified consulting arborist.

Where you will fit into this spectrum is up to you. If really hard and dangerous work is what you need, become the technical remover. If you are studious and can never know enough botany and pathology, you may be headed toward consulting. Most working arborists have a mix of skills and abilities. The field is open to all, women and men alike. While arboriculture has traditionally been a man’s job, any young woman who likes rock climbing or similar physical activity could do very well. The problem for most women is upper body strength.

If you prefer to be outside, enjoy physical work, and have a bond with nature, arboriculture maybe a good fit for your vocation. For most young people, their first introduction to Arboriculture would be a summer job on a tree service crew. This is a great place to begin working with trees. There is a lot to learn. Most people work at this trade for approximately five years before they are really competent and confident. Five years in, you would be running a crew and making professional decisions to get the job done properly and safely.

Arborists perform two main functions: saving trees and removing trees. Both are essential today, both important.

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